Development of an evaluation framework for (the production of) organic fertilisers
In this study, a method will be developed and tested to compare (processed) organic products (i.e. biobased fertilisers) with regularly applied agricultural products (manure, compost, etc.) based on their impact on soil quality and the associated agricultural, environmental and economic aspects. This instrument will provide guidance to the government dealing with admission of biobased fertilisers to the market, to farmers with regard to product quality, fertilisation value and soil fertility and to the trade market, tenants and consumers with regard to sustainable use of our agricultural land and food production.
Mineral plant makes useful products out of manure
Development of a conceptual framework to evaluate organic fertilisers : assessment on soil quality and agronomic, environmental and economics aspects
Wageningen: Wageningen Environmental Research (Wageningen Environmental Research report report 2964) - ISBN: 9789463951630 -
Afbreeksnelheid van organische stof uit runderdrijfmest: effecten van dosering, zoutgehalte en herkomst mest en grond
Wageningen: Wageningen Livestock Research (Wageningen Livestock Research rapport 1231) -
Afbreeksnelheid van organische stof uit runderdrijfmest toegediend aan grond : Effecten van vochtgehalte in de grond en drogen van de grond
Wageningen: Wageningen Livestock Research (Rapport / Wageningen Livestock Research 1346) -
Mineralisatie van koolstof uit rundveedrijfmest met toenemende ouderdom na mengen met zandgrond
Wageningen: Wageningen Livestock Research (Rapport / Wageningen Livestock Research 1430) -
Mineralisatie van koolstof uit urine, feces, en drijfmest van melkkoeien na mengen met zandgrond
Wageningen: Wageningen Livestock Research (Rapport / Wageningen Livestock Research 1415) -
Conceptual framework to evaluate organic fertilisers on C and N mineralisation and economic aspects
Wageningen: Wageningen Environmental Research (Report / Wageningen Environmental Research 3309) -
Prediction of the mobility and persistence of eight antibiotics based on soil characteristics
Heliyon (2024), Volume: 10, Issue: 1 - ISSN 2405-8440