
Bedrijfsspecifieke excretie (BEX) melkvee

The instrument 'Farm Specific Excretion Dairy' (BEX) calculates the excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus specifically. This BEX is based on scientific knowledge from scientific research. Science and Dairy practice are dynamic, so it is possible and important to update this BEX instrument annually.

This project annually provides scientifically substantiated adjustments for an updated Guide to farm-specific excretion dairy cattle (BEX). This project annually produces a proposal for the amendment of the BEX guideline to calculate the current nitrogen and phosphate excretion by dairy cattle at farm level.

The result is substantively tested by the CDM for scientific correctness. In addition, a board consisting of stakeholders from LNV, NVWA and the joint dairy sector (ZuivelNL) will assess these options for security and adaptability in the ExcretieWijzer and Kringloopwijzer.

In consultation with LNV, RVO and NWA, the guideline will be adjusted (if necessary), including the necessary communication to the dairy sector.

The calculation method included in this BEX is part of Excretiewijzer and KringloopWijzer; these are also updated after the BEX guideline has been updated in accordance with the calculation method of the updated BEX. The updating and maintenance of the BEX is an annual proces. The updating is limited to what is necessary, desirable and possible.

The BEX Guide is intended for dairy farmers who meet the conditions as stated in the BEX Guide. Team Manure of the Directorate of Plant Agro-chains and Food Quality (LNV) places the result on the website, so that dairy farmers can use the Excretiewijzer or the KringloopWijzer to calculate the farm-specific excretion of nitrogen and phosphate from their dairy cattle in the context of free evidence for a correction on the standard excretion.
