The BECOOL project is looking for solutions for the realization of efficient and sustainable advanced biotransport fuel chains. This covers the entire range of activities from biomass production, logistical diversification to conversion methods. The project is a Twinning project, which means that it is linked to a Brazilian project (BioValue) that has the same goal, but applied to Brazil, while BECOOL focuses on EU. However, chains are also jointly developed and evaluated that are based on a mix of EU and imported biomass from Brazil and that have bio-kerosene, bunker, biodiesel or bioethanol as end product.
The main objective of the BECOOL (EU) and BioVALUE (Brazil) projects is to strengthen EU-Brazil cooperation on advanced lignocellulosic biofuels. Information alignment, knowledge synchronization, and synergistic activities on lignocellulosic biomass production logistics and conversion technologies are key targets of both projects and will bring mutual benefits. Both projects are structured in three main pillars covering in a balanced way the whole range of activities of the biofuels value chain (biomass production, logistics, conversion and exploitation).
The BECOOL consortium is composed of 14 partners from universities, research institutes, and large industries/SMEs from seven EU countries. Together with improved logistics, the establishment of the BECOOL innovative cropping systems will enable to increase biomass feedstock availability by at least 50% without negatively impacting food production, soil quality, and customary land uses. The improvements in gasification process efficiency of new feedstocks will allow us to achieve an optimal gas quality from non- conventional sources (e.g. lignocellulosic crops and residues).
The use of energy carrier in gasification will allow to overcome major logistics barriers for low-energy density feedstock, while the valorisation of lignin-rich residues will dramatically improve the energy efficiency of the overall value chain. Technological breakthroughs on pre-treatment, hydrolysis and enzymatic saccharification and fermentation steps will increase the competitiveness of biochemical advanced ethanol. The cross-project model benchmarking, carried out between EU and Brazil, will decrease present limitations on growth, logistics and process academic models, making them more reliable, opening up opportunities for business, new jobs, reduced land pressure, and enhanced environmental benefits in EU and Brazil.
Description of full biomass supply chains : including logistical concepts for different feedstocks and regions in Europe and final selection of case studies and logistical concepts to be tested for diverse feedstocks & regional context
Brazil‐EU Cooperation for Development of Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuels : Deliverable 5.3: Description of plausible value chains
Brazil‐EU Cooperation for Development of Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuels : D1.1 set up of assessment tools and literature review
Spatio-temporal assessment of integrating intermittent electricity in the EU and Western Balkans power sector under ambitious CO2 emission policies
Energy (2018), Volume: 164 - ISSN 0360-5442 - p. 676-693. -
Biomass: From fossil fuels to green fuels
Bioethanol production from organosolv treated beech wood chips obtained at pilot scale
Biomass and Bioenergy (2024), Volume: 181 - ISSN 0961-9534