A systemic approach for nature-inclusive urbanization
A successful transition to nature-inclusive cities and metropolitan regions depends on an in-depth understanding of the numerous factors, dynamics and other transitions that have a significant impact on short- and long-term opportunities to develop, manage and conserve nature. In this KB project, we investigate and develop an approach short/middle term actions that will enable both local actors (such as real estate sector, local business) as national and regional nature conservation policymakers to contribute to biodiversity conservation and habitat restoration, contributing to a nature inclusive (peri-)urban society.
We will analyse in this project literature and contribute to cases on three nature-inclusive (peri)urban land use types (business districts, residential areas, and peri-urban zones) in collaboration with local actors. Our starting point is the idea that we have to look at the natural system as a whole. To change established, non-nature-inclusive practices, an integrated system approach is needed, making use of the possibilities of the natural system, the strength of the communities that live and work there and where the benefits of nature-inclusivity and its impact are made visible.