Course: identification of terrestrial and freshwater nematodes for ecologists / environmentalists
Nematode communities offer interesting possibilities in many ecological and environmental studies. Correct identification is a prerequisite for virtually all nematological research. Proper positioning of nematodes under investigation within the taxonomic framework allows communication about the work, connection to relevant literature, the understanding of nematode community structures, and - last but not least - the publication of results.
This course will be organized by Dr. Gerard Korthals and Simone Brandt from Wageningen University & Research (Laboratory of Nematology and Biointeractions and Plant Health). The course focuses on routine morphology-based identification of terrestrial and freshwater nematodes. During the course, microscopy will be alternated with oral presentations, given by several well-known soil ecologists with different specialisms, like Prof. W.H. van der Putten, Dr. R.G.M. de Goede, Ir. L. Molendijk and Dr. J. Helder.
In the past 25 years, the course was developed and given by Tom Bongers, who is now retired, and focus was on the identification of adult nematodes up to species level. With the growing interest in the use of nematodes in environmental studies we now put more emphasis on nematode ecology and applied aspects, such as routine analysis of nematode communities in mass-slides (large slides containing a drop of suspension with hundreds of nematodes). This more applied approach also demands identification of juveniles.
Besides identification skills, we will also pay attention to sampling, various extraction techniques, functional groups, food web analysis and calculation of relevant indices.
When | 1 - 12 September 2025 |
Participants | Max. 10 (if there are 6 participants or less, we may decide to postpone the course with a year) |
Fee | € 3000 |
Transportation | How to get from Schiphol Airport to Wageningen |
More information
The fee includes coffee/tea, literature, reprints and manuals. Accommodation is not included. Interested in a list of hotels, rooms and Bed & Breakfasts? Please contact: