Prof. dr. AC (Adriaan) Schuffelen
Prof. dr. AC (Adriaan) Schuffelen succeeded Prof. ir. J (Joost) Hudig as chair of the Laboratory of ‘Landbouwscheikunde’. In the subsequent years, there is regular contact between him and various agricultural research institutions in the Netherlands. During a large part of his period as chair, the Laboratory of ‘Landbouwscheikunde’ consists of two groups:
‘Bodemvruchtbaarheid en Bemestingsleer’ (Soil Fertility and Fertilization Studies) led by Prof. dr. AC (Adriaan) Schuffelen himself and Prof. dr. ir. A (Anton) van Diest
‘Bodemscheikunde en Bodemnatuurkunde’ (Soil Chemistry and Soil Physics) led by Prof. dr. ir. GH (Jerry) Bolt.