
Realization of ecological values along coastal and freshwater systems in relation to contracting.

This project focuses on the realization of large infrastructural technical watersafety projects, along the coasts and along the rivers and contracts. Contracts are awarded based on a combination of price (quantity) and quality. In the quality part contractors are challenged to include extra measures for nature in the project.


In infrastructural watersafety projects contractors can include extra measures for nature. Contracts are awarded based on a combination of price (quantity) and quality. The quality part of contracts include possibilities to realize habitat for nature. The contractors are challenged to include extra measures for nature or to minimize negative effects on nature. They can earn points by this, which results in a fictive reduction of the financial bid. This enlarges the chance to win the tender of the project. An example of this tendering procedure is the Afsluitdijk project. Currently the Afsluitdijk is renovated and reinforced and an ecological dike is realised. On the talud on the Wadden Sea site Levvel blocs were placed. Each Levvel bloc has a roughened toplayer and two holes which function in the tidal zone, as habitat, for seaweed, mussels and small butterfish. So in the Afsluitdijk project the contractor has implemented additional nature measures via the quality part of the contract. But this is not common use yet with the contracts of infrastructural projects at different organisations.

Project description

In my EngD project I make a design/framework/tool to integrate the realization of ecological values in the contract. I focus with my design on making this way of procurement accessible and more well known!