Oral presentation instructions
To set up a presentation of your work, you may start at step 2 below. It is, however, convenient to perform step 1 as a preparation.
Oral presentations:
All WUR-students (Internships / Erasmus / HBO –students can have a different approach) are invited to give an introduction talk after a few weeks they have started, and a colloquium talk when they have finished their research.
For this we have the following timeslots reserved (consult your supervisor for his availability first):
•Mondays 15.30 – 17.00 hrs (preferred day)
•or Fridays 09.00 – 10.30 hrs (when Mondays are booked).
Per timeslot a maximum of 2 colloquia is accepted in addition with two introduction talks (or 1 colloquium with 3 introduction talks, or other combinations, just not more than 2 colloquia per timeslot).
Before actually setting up your talk, you may want to get a first impression of available time slots. To do so, open the shared Calendar in the ATV-BPE-praatjes account:
- In your own Outlook account, go to Calendar (Ctrl+2)
- In the ribbon menu on top, choose Open Calendar and subsequently Open Shared Calendar
- In the pop-up window, select the Name button and start typing ATV-BPE, Praatjes
- Once ATV-BPE, Praatjes appears in the list, select it and click OK twice
- After this preparation, the calendar ATV-BPE, Praatjes is in the left pane of the Outlook calendar window (it is also there the next time Outlook is started). The view into this calendar may be turned on and off by checking or unchecking the box in front of its name.
- Open Outlook (your own account) and go to Calendar (shortcut: Ctrl+2). Do not go to the calendar in the ATV-BPE, Praatjes account.
- Select a half-hour time slot that is suitable to you and to your supervisor and create a new appointment (Ctrl-N, or New Appointment in the menu bar). If two slots on the same day are available, pick the earliest one.
- In the subject field, fill in [your name]: [presentation title] ([introductory presentation or colloquium])
- Click "Invite attendees" in the top menu bar and select the group "ATV-BPE, all users" and add this group as Required.
- From the same list, select ATV-BPE, Praatjes and add this ‘user’ as Resource (i.e. not as Required or Optional!)
- Click Response options in the menu bar and uncheck both options.
- In the location field, add the name of the room as you can see is reserved in the ATV-BPE, Praatjes calendar
Once these four groups are added and the options are set, click the send button. As a result, you will receive a conformation or a denial:
- If the chosen time slot is available in the ATV-BPE, Praatjes calendar, you will get a confirmation, the meeting will appear in the ATV-BPE, Praatjes calendar, and all required attendees will receive an email invitation.
- If the chosen time slot is not available in the ATV-BPE, Praatjes calendar, you will receive a warning, stating that you should select a time slot that is available. To do so, click the Scheduling assistant in the menu bar. In the following window, you’ll see the free/busy information of the ATV-BPE, Praatjes calendar and you may use the slider at the bottom to find a free time slot. Double click in it to select this time and repeat step 8 above.
If your meeting has to be changed or deleted, this should be done from your own account/calendar, i.e. not from the ATV-BPE, Praatjes calendar. Open the meeting, make the necessary changes (other date/time, title change, additional attendees), or, if needed, delete the meeting entirely and then choose Send update or Send cancellation.