
Predicting in vivo concentrations of dietary hop phytoestrogens by physiologically based kinetic modeling

Stevanoska, Maja; Beekmann, Karsten; Punt, Ans; Sturla, Shana J.; Aichinger, Georg


Hop extracts containing prenylated polyphenols such as 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN) and its precursor isoxanthohumol (iXN) are popular among women seeking natural alternatives to hormone therapy for postmenopausal symptoms. Due to structural similarities with estrogens, these compounds act as estrogen receptor agonists. Especially 8-PN, described as the most potent phytoestrogen known to date, poses a potential risk for endocrine disruption. Therefore, its use as a hormone replacement raises concerns for human health. However, a significant challenge in assessing the potential endocrine-disruptive effects of hop polyphenols is the lack of data on their toxicokinetics. Particularly, information on in vivo concentrations in target tissues is lacking. To address this gap, we developed a physiologically based kinetic (PBK) model tailored to female physiology. The model was used to predict the levels of hop polyphenols in human blood and target tissues under realistic exposure scenarios. The predictions suggest that iXN and 8-PN concentrations in target tissues reach the low nanomolar range after dietary supplementation. This study enhances our understanding of internal concentrations of iXN and 8-PN after dietary consumption and is of direct applicability for respective risk assessment.