The collaboration of the BCT group with the Campinas Synchrotron (Brazil) is highlighted by the Dutch government
Despite being literally an ocean apart, when it comes to science, technology and innovation, Brazil and the Netherlands cherish a special and tight relationship. It showcases the diversity of ways in which people collaborate. This ranges from single-project-based to decade-long partnerships, from exchanging materials and people between labs in both countries to jointly supervising PhD students to obtain dual degrees, and from discussing from a distance to a Brazilian company deciding to open a new physical office in the Netherlands.
The collaboration of the BCT group with the Campinas Synchrotron (Brazil) is one of the showcases and is highlighted by the Dutch government. In the process, they delivered both a novel catalyst for biomass conversion and an innovative piece of equipment to enrich Brazil’s recently opened, beyond state-of-the-art synchrotron.
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