Integrating Ecological Suitability and Socioeconomic Feasibility at Landscape Scale to Restore Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Southern Chile
Zamorano-Elgueta, Carlos; Orsi, Francesco; Geneletti, Davide; Cayuela, Luis; Hamer, Rowena; Lara, Antonio; Benayas, José María Rey
Deforestation and forest degradation are key drivers of biodiversity loss and global environmental change. Ecosystem restoration is recognized as a global priority to counter these processes. Forest restoration efforts have commonly adopted a predominantly ecological approach, without including broader socioeconomic variables and the characteristics of the rural context. In this study, we developed a spatially-explicit modelling method to identify priority areas for forest restoration at a landscape scale, integrating both ecological and socioeconomic variables. This framework was applied to a case study in the Chilean temperate forests. We used a multicriteria analysis to assess the ecological suitability and socioeconomic feasibility of forest restoration. The approach and methodology were structured into four main steps: (i) defining potential areas for restoration in deforested lands and degraded forest; (ii) assessing and mapping the ecological suitability for restoration, including both potential biodiversity values and provision of ecosystem services; (iii) assessing and mapping the socioeconomic feasibility of restoration; and (iv) combining suitability and feasibility maps to identify priority areas. Restoration priorities were identified as areas consistently showing the highest values under scenarios representing differing restoration priorities. While the case study presented is context-specific, the approach and methodology used can be readily adapted to various contexts and objectives.