Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Rabbits: Review of Scientific Research on Priority Issues
Turner, Patricia; Buijs, Stephanie; Rommers, J.M.; Tessier, Maxime
It is widely accepted that animal welfare codes, guidelines, standards or legislation should take advantage of the best available knowledge. This knowledge is often generated from the scientific literature. In re-establishing a Code of Practice development process, NFACC recognized the need for a more formal means of integrating scientific input into the Code of Practice process. A Scientific Committee review of priority animal welfare issues for the species being addressed will provide valuable information to the Code Development Committee in developing or revising a Code of Practice. As the Scientific Committee report is publicly available, the transparency and credibility of the Code is enhanced. For each Code of Practice being developed or revised, NFACC will identify a Scientific Committee. This committee will consist of a target number of 6 scientists familiar with research on the care and management of the animals under consideration. NFACC will request nominations from 1) Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, 2) Canadian Society of Animal Science, and 3) Canadian Chapter of the International Society for Applied Ethology. At least one representative from each of these professional scientific bodies will be named to the Scientific Committee. Other professional scientific organizations as appropriate may also serve on the Scientific Committee. Purpose & Goals The Scientific Committee will develop a report synthesizing the results of research relating to key animal welfare issues, as identified by the Scientific Committee and the Code Development Committee. The report will be used by the Code Development Committee in drafting a Code of Practice for the species in question. The Scientific Committee report will not contain recommendations following from any research results. Its purpose is to present a compilation of the scientific findings without bias. The full Terms of Reference for the Scientific Committee can be found within the NFACC Development Process for Codes of Practice for the Care and Handling of Farm Animals, available at