
From ornamental to essential : investigating applied drought in Miscanthus sinensis; sensitivity, response mechanisms, and subsequent recovery

Al Hassan, M.; van der Cruijsen, K.; Dees, D.; Dolstra, O.; Trindade, L.M.


This study investigates the impact and response mechanisms to drought in several genotypes of the ornamental species Miscanthus sinensis during its early developmental stages when it is most susceptible to adverse conditions. The sensitivity and response mechanisms under applied stress conditions and their subsequent recovery were examined. Detailed analyses were conducted to explore the physiological and biochemical responses to water deficit, pinpointing those contributing to tolerance, and charting the underlying carbon economy governing them. The findings demonstrate that Miscanthus possesses significant adaptive capabilities, which can be harnessed for agricultural and ecological applications on marginal lands. This research contributes to a broader understanding of plant resilience and supports the development of sustainable strategies for managing water scarcity in various ecosystems.