Microsphere-based binding assays for organic pollutants
Meimaridou, A.
In this thesis the “proof of principle” of a preliminary “prototype kit” for the screening of dioxin-like PCBs, PBDEs and PAHs in fish combined with two different simplified generic cleanup procedures, according to the fish fat content, is presented. Toxicants such as the PCBs, PBDEs and PAHs and POPs mixtures (such as the technical mixtures of PCBs (Aroclors)) can be detected at relative low levels (with IC50 values 55±15, 2±0.4 and 4±0.5 ppb for the PCB77, PBDE47 and BaP, respectively) in fish samples in a multiplex, simple and inexpensive manner compared to existing techniques. The 3-plex immunoassay can be performed in two different detection platforms: the traditional flow cytometer- and the new imaging-based bead analyzers. The latter system offers a cheaper analysis and it is an easier transportable platform than the flow cytometer.