
Aantrekkelijkheid van deelname door veehouders aan een beoogde Lbv : verkennende analyse voor het ontwerp van de Landelijke beëindigingsregeling veehouderijlocaties (Lbv)

Hoste, Robert; van Horne, Peter; Beldman, Alfons; Bergevoet, Ron; Daatselaar, Co


This research is a first exploration for the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality into whether a remuneration of 65% of the replacement value of stables plus 100% of the value of production rights is an attractive option for dairy, pig and poultry farmers to discontinue their activities. The scheme appears to be an attractive option for part of the pig farms and possibly for tenant dairy farms. Poultry farmers aren’t expected to be enthusiastic due to the high revenues if sold commercially. For the analysis, use has been made of insights into market and income developments obtained from literature research and from expert knowledge.