Guidance on the selection and use of DNA extraction methods
Prins, T.W.; Broothaerts, W.; Burns, M.; Demsar, Tina; Edelmann, S.; Papazova, N.; Peterseil, V.; Taverniers, I.
DNA extraction is at the forefront of further analytical measurements on DNA targets and affects the downstream results. This report from the European Network of GMO Laboratories (ENGL) provides guidance on the selection and use of fit-for-purpose DNA extraction methods. It focusses on DNA extraction in the context of official controls on the presence and content of genetically modified organisms in food and feed. It provides guidance on protocols and selection support systems, validation approaches, assessment of DNA quality parameters and examples of practical solutions derived from collective experiences. There are many variations on the theme of DNA extraction, but there is no single protocol that works adequately across all food and feed matrices. Before using a new method in the laboratory, or in case of modifications to a protocol, validation or verification is needed to show that a chosen method is fit for purpose for use in routine analysis. This guidance is aimed to help the DNA analysis laboratories in fulfilling the standardisation requirements and support their daily operations.