
The return of wolves to the Netherlands : a fact-finding study

Jansman, H.A.H.; Mergeay, J.; van der Grift, E.A.; de Groot, G.A.; Lammertsma, D.R.; Van Den Berge, K.; Ottburg, F.G.W.A.; Gouwy, J.; Schuiling, R.; van der Veken, T.; Nowak, C.


Wolves have become increasingly common in the Netherlands since 2015, and since 2019 the country has once again been home to a pack of wolves with young – the first in around 150 years. The government intends to review the current Interprovincial Wolf Plan, a process that will start in 2021. This report provides an answer to 25 research questions formulated by the government. These questions relate to five themes: (1) distribution, occurrence, origin and ecological carrying capacity; (2) behaviour and the relationship between wolves and humans; (3) policy, damage, monitoring and management; (4) ecology; (5) genetic techniques and data exchange in Europe. The latest insights from scientific research and monitoring programmes have been used to answer these questions. The knowledge presented in this report can be used to make scientifically substantiated policy choices with regard to wolves.