
Decision-support systems as a type of science-policy interface: exploring the potential of the QUICKScan software tool for knowledge integration and learning

Rodela, R.; Bregt, A.K.; Perez-Soba, M.; Verweij, P.J.F.M.


As part of the INVALUABLE project1, funded under BiodivERsA, we have undertaken empirical research meant to evaluate the potential of a novel software tool, the QUICKScan. QUICKScan is meant to be used in a participatory group context and evaluated for aspects of knowledge integration, learning and shared understanding. Results obtained from a pre-test and post-test questionnaire administered to the participants of two different workshops suggest that it performs well on the variables of interest. Here we briefly present the design of our research and direct those interested to see the full data and further details to consult the WP3 report we produced (i.e. Rodela et al., 2015).