
Bodemkaart en Geomorfologische Kaart van Nederland: actualisatie 2020-2021 en toepassing : deelgebieden Gelderse Vallei-Zuid en -West en Veluwe-Zuid

Brouwer, Fokke; Maas, Gilbert; Teuling, Kees; Harkema, Tom; Verzandvoort, Simone


The Soil Map and Geomorphological Map of the Netherlands at scale 1:50,000 are the soil and landform map databases of the Netherlands. They are part of the National Key Registry of the Subsurface (BRO), the central registry of public data on the subsurface of the Netherlands. Wageningen Environmental Research (WENR) maintains these maps for the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. This report presents improved and updated information on soils and landforms for parts of the Utrechtse Heuvelrug, Gelderse Vallei and Veluwe regions collected during the update and review of the Soil Map and Geomorphological Map in 2020 and 2021. Examples are given on how the maps can be used in conjunction for the planning and management of the soil-water system in the Gelderse Vallei. The examples were taken from the planning and environmental strategy of the Regional Water Authority Vallei en Veluwe (Blauwe Omgevingsvisie 2050).