
Verbetering van effectiviteit emissiearme stalsystemen in de praktijk : Inventarisatie, analyse kritische factoren en advies voor verbetering van toepassing van ammoniak reducerende technieken

Bremmer, Bart; Huisman, Iris; Toemen, Frank; Ellen, Hilko; van Harn, Jan; van Dooren, Hendrik Jan; de Jonge, Iris; Stouthart, Fred; Ogink, Nico


Animal housing systems, designed to lower ammonia emission, play an important role in reducing emissions from livestock farming. However, research based on a large-scale analysis of nitrogen contents in discharged farm manure has led to doubts about the effective operation of low-emission housing systems in the Netherlands. The purpose of this report is to draw up recommendations for improving the low-emission operation of new and existing low-emission barns. This includes the role of the regulatory system throughout the chain from design to use at farms. For this, information from a large number of interviews with stakeholders, relevant research literature and technical expertise of the project team was used. The study concludes that the current regulatory system is not sufficiently functioning, and provides recommendations in the form of improving the level of knowledge of stakeholders, tightening up the current assessment system, and developing a more motivating goal based approach.