
CEE2ACT - EU Project

Bos-Brouwers, Hilke; Viquez Zamora, Marcela; Vernooij, Vera; Dahlqvist, Jakob; Joelsson, Jonas; Ulmanen, Johanna


This is a video-presentation about the Bioeconomy in the Netherlands made within the EU-CEE2ACT project.

In the Netherlands, the bioeconomy is all about sustainable production and the use of (renewable) biomass. Specific to the Dutch context, we make the connection between bioeconomy and circular economy, which is all about the sustainable use and reuse of products, and, closing the loop within key agri-food cycles. Within the Netherlands, but also in a European and international context.

This video takes you on a short journey across the Dutch ambitions, actions, strategies, roadmaps, funding and results, with also some key research topics from Wageningen University & Research and encourages the audience to reach out and contact CEE2ACT if they want to learn more about the bioeconomy in the Netherlands or about CEE2ACT.