
Substraat voorkeur voor foerageergedrag leghennen : pilotstudie

Neijenhuis, Francesca; van Wijhe-Kiezebrink, Maudia; de Jong, Ingrid


The project "Health for humans and animals through system change in poultry farming" is working on alternatives to the current litter as foraging substrate, from which manure can be removed to reduce particulate matter and ammonia emissions. In a pilot study, carried out during three weeks on one commercial laying hen farm with a wintergarden and outdoor range, 10 different possible foraging substrates were offered in 6 bins. This pilot shows that diatomaceous earth, peat, shells and buckwheat hulls meet the foraging requirements of laying hens better than wood shavings, hydro pellets, bark and lava stones. But there was no significant difference in use between diatomaceous earth, peat, shells, chopped straw, or buckwheat hulls for foraging.