
Seal Abundance and Distribution

Banga, R.; Russell, D.J.F.; Carter, M.I.D.; Chaudry, F.; Gilles, A.; Abel, C.; Ahola, M.; Authier, M.; Bjorge, A.; Brasseur, S.M.J.M.; Carlsson, A.; Calstrom, J.; Christensen, A.; Dinis, A.; Engene, N.; Galatius, A.; Geelhoed, S.C.V.; Granquist, S.; Haelters, J.; Jess, A.; Morris, C.; Murphy, S.; O’cadhla, O.; Persson, S.; Pierce, G.; Poncet, S.; Rosing-Asvid, Aqqalu; Saavedra, C.; Taylor, N.; Teixeira, A.; van Neer, A.; Vasconcelos, R.P.; Vincent, C.


Grey seal abundance is largely increasing across the assessed area. Within Arctic Waters, both Icelandic grey seals and harbour seals are declining. Harbour seals abundance trends are mixed within the Greater North Sea. Southern Celtic Seas data were limited, but trends are generally increasing. Distribution appears generally stable for both species.