
Gedragsbeïnvloeding voor verantwoord antibioticumgebruik in de veehouderij

de Lauwere, Carolien; Luiken, Roosmarijn; ten Berge, Akke; Bokma-Bakker, Martien; Speksnijder, David; Galama, Joris


The key question in this study was whether current antibiotic reduction policies, and the corresponding behavioural interventions, address all or only some of the behavioural factors that may influence responsible antibiotic use. The study also examined which behavioural factors any new behavioural interventions should target. The main conclusion was that many interventions to further reduce antibiotic use have focused so far mainly on increasing awareness, enhancing knowledge and skills of livestock farmers and veterinarians and applying social pressure. However, few interventions have targeted the conditions (e.g. the farm situation) in which livestock farmers and veterinarians work and their motivation. This provides opportunities for successful interventions.