
Report on Evaluation of three IS-ENES3 Schools ‘Climate data use for impact assessments’ (2020-2021) and the IS-ENES3 Summer School on Data Science for Climate Modelling (2022) : IS-ENES3 Deliverable D3.2, Reporting period: 01/01/2022 – 31/03/2023

Klostermann, J.E.M.; Bessembinder, Janette; Klampanos, Iraklis; Morellon, Sophie


Between 2020 and 2022 the IS-ENES3 consortium organized three virtual Schools on ‘Climate data use for impact assessments’ and one on-site Data Science Summer School. The virtual Autumn school took place in November and December 2020, the virtual Spring School in March and April 2021, and the virtual Summer School in May and June 2021. The Data School took place in Greece and comprised lectures, group exercises, keynote speakers and social events over the course of a week in September 2022. Each course was followed by an evaluation survey. The participants valued the courses highly, especially the work on the case studies. All lectures were seen as useful or very useful. The more practical lectures were valued the highest. This report describes the course and analyses the three evaluation surveys.