
Twee jaar ervaring met Klimaatslim Bos- en Natuurbeheer in Nederland : Resultaten van de klimaatenveloppen Bos, Natuur en Hout 2018 en 2019

Lerink, Bas; Schelhaas, Mart-Jan; Clerkx, Sandra; Copini, Paul; Veraart, Jeroen; den Ouden, Jan; Sass-Klaassen, Ute; Kistenkas, Fred; Kruijt, Bart; Boosten, Martijn; Kremers, Jasperina; Reichgelt, Anne; Penninkhof, Joyce; Oldenburger, Jan; Snoep, Martijn; Hekhuis, Harrie; de Groot, Casper; Koopmans, Gerard; Lindenbergh, Dennis; Delforterie, Wouter; Lokin, Vincent; van der Gaast, Wytze; Vertegaal, Paul; Enthoven, Guido; Groot, Daan; Brunsveld, Mark; Groenendijk, Simone; Rombouts, Piet; Buiter, Marc; Corten, Irma; Klaassen, Rene; de Munck, Eric; van den Heuvel, Paul; Borgman, David; Derksen, Peter; van Korven, Ton; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan


The Dutch Climate Agreement lists an ambition for an additional CO2-sequestration of 0.4-0.8 Mton/yr in forest and nature in 2030. Experience with measures in climate smart forest and nature area management is necessary to realise this ambition. Therefore, the pilots of the Climate Envelope Forest, Nature and Wood have been carried out in 2018 and 2019. The aim of the pilots is to fill an online ‘Toolbox’, where managers, policy makers and other parties involved can find information on climate smart forest and nature area management. Furthermore, the experiences from the pilots form the basis for the sector ‘Landuse’ within the Dutch Climate Agreement, identifying and bridging existing knowledge gaps. This report describes results and experiences from the pilots of the climate envelopes and gives a future perspective.