Effects of oil-water interfacial properties on protein structuring and droplet deformation in high moisture meat analogues containing oil
Ikenaga, Naoya; Hashimoto, Shuzo; Sagis, Leonard M.C.
Adding oil to high moisture meat analogues (HMMA) can increase juiciness, and can be achieved by incorporating emulsion droplets during extrusion. Since these droplets can coalesce when subjected to high shear, selecting appropriate emulsion stabilisers is important. For several commercial plant-protein emulsion stabilisers, it was investigated how oil-water interfacial mechanical properties affect droplet deformation and protein structuring in extrusion of HMMAs. Emulsions with 10 wt% or 15 wt% oil, stabilised by potato protein isolates (POPI-1 (Rich in patatin) and POPI-2 (rich in protease inhibitor)) and pea protein isolate PPI, were used to make extrudates with 5.7 wt% and 8.5 wt% oil, respectively. In 8.5 wt%-extrudates, POPI-2 had the most oil leakage from the cooling die, while PPI had the smallest amount despite having softer and more stretchable interfaces. Blade-cutting tests showed the highest maximum force for 8.5 wt%-extrudates with POPI-1, likely because POPI-1 formed the stiffest interfaces. Tensile stress testing showed the largest fracture strain in 8.5% wt%-extrudates with PPI, corresponding to its longer wedge length. Multiphoton excitation microscopy was used to visualise the extrudates protein structure and oil droplets. This showed that droplets near the surface of the extrudate were less deformed than droplets in the centre. There were only small differences between protein stabilisers regarding oil droplet deformation, indicating droplet deformation was dominated by deformation of the protein matrix. The O/W interfacial properties significantly affected oil leakage, cutting force, and tensile strength of extrudates. These results are important to consider when designing emulsions for HMMAs processed by extruders.