
Methoden en technieken gebruikt bij de PBLstudie ‘Verkenning van de lange termijn externe invloeden op landbouw en natuur in Nederland’ : Inventarisatie van de omgevingsontwikkelingen

Cormont, Anouk; Houtkamp, Joske; van Haren, Charlotte; Verweij, Peter; Pouwels, Rogier


Methods and techniques used in the PBL study ‘Long-term external influences on agriculture and nature in the Netherlands’: Inventory of environmental trends The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) study ‘Long-term external influences on agriculture and nature in the Netherlands’ includes an inventory and analysis of the external trends that will affect agriculture and nature. This requires a broad knowledge base fed by literature and expert knowledge. This report describes the methods and techniques used to assemble and formalise this knowledge. It provides the background to the PBL report ‘Long-term external influences on agriculture and nature in the Netherlands.’