Storm resilience of subtidal soft-bottom mussel beds : Mechanistic insights, threshold quantification and management implications
de Smit, Jaco C.; Zhao, Zhiyuan; Capelle, Jacob J.; Gerkema, Theo; van de Koppel, Johan; Bouma, Tjeerd J.
With the projected escalation of extreme storm events, coastal ecosystems risk undergoing catastrophic shifts and losing essential ecosystem services. Subtidal soft-bottom mussel beds, vital components of these ecosystems, are particularly vulnerable to hydrodynamically-induced dislodgement (i.e., detachment of mussel clumps from the bed), especially during storms. However, the mechanisms underlying the resilience—comprising both resistance and recovery—of these beds to storms remain unclear, despite being essential for informed management.This study addresses this knowledge gap regarding subtidal soft-bottom mussel beds by: (i) quantifying their dislodgement threshold (i.e., the hydrodynamics causing widespread dislodgement of mussel clumps) using novel in situ monitoring methodologies in a representative region, namely the Dutch Wadden Sea; (ii) unveiling the influence of prior life history (here, wave exposure extent) and storm durations on their dislodgement thresholds through a flume study; and (iii) assessing the impacts of repeated storms and prior life histories (here, wave exposure extent and substrate types) on their recovery (i.e. mussel re-aggregation) through mesocosm experiments.Integrated experimental evidence indicates that: (i) hydrodynamic-induced dislodgement is a sudden process characterized by distinct near-bed orbital velocity thresholds, which were identified at our study site to be between 0.45 and 0.50 m s−1; (ii) peak storm intensity, rather than storm duration, primarily drives the dislodgement of subtidal soft-bottom mussel beds, and prior wave exposure extent regulates the dislodgement threshold; (iii) repeated storms do not seem to affect the recovery of these beds following storm-related disturbances when the conditions between storms are conducive to mussel re-aggregation, whereas substrate type significantly impacts recovery.Synthesis and applications. Overall, concerns regarding subtidal soft-bottom mussel beds degradation primarily stem from increasing storm intensity and their limited resistance to such events. The methodology we developed enables low-cost quantification of mussel resistance thresholds across broad spatiotemporal scales, facilitating the pinpointing of vulnerable areas. Our findings inform strategic management by highlighting the influential role of prior life histories in shaping mussel bed resistance and the potential to accelerate mussel bed recovery through substrate modification (e.g., shell additions). Both our methodology and findings hold promise for application in comparable ecosystems, such as oyster and coral reefs.