
Doorwerking Programma Stikstofreductie en Natuurverbetering : Sociaaleconomische analyse van bron- en natuurherstelmaatregelen

Reinhard, Stijn; Jongeneel, Roel; van Alphen, Monica; Vissers, Luuk; Selten, Marjolein; Michels, Rolf; de Vries, Chloë


Research into socio-economic effects of source and nature restoration measures of the Nitrogen and Nature Improvement programme. The themes Living environment and housing, Health, Society and Environment score positively for the majority of the measures. The themes Material prosperity and Subjective well-being score negatively for measures at farm level to cease livestock activities. The biggest issues with regard to feasibility are in agriculture. In the case of affordability, the effects on companies appear to be predominantly negative. The socio-economic themes have been made concrete on the basis of the broad welfare indicators, whereby the Theory of Change method has been applied for each measure.