
Extreme weersomstandigheden en de gezondheid van landbouwbodems : Literatuuronderzoek over de impact van weersextremen op de bodemgezondheid van landbouwgrond

de Graaf, Myrjam; Faber, Jack; Heinen, Marius; Verstand, Daan; van Middelkoop, Jantine; Hoving, Idse; Bijker, William; de Jonge, Iris; van der Burgt, Eva


It appears that the extreme weather events (1) heavy rainfall, (2) heatwaves, and (3) prolonged periods of drought are significant drivers impacting functional soil quality. The key indicators for soil health concerning weather extremes and sustainable agricultural production are (1) aggregate size and stability, (2) earthworm density and species composition, and (3) microbial biomass, specifically mycorrhiza, fungi-to-bacteria ratio. To mitigate the adverse effects of extreme weather conditions, farmers in the Netherlands have positive experiences with the application of organic matter as a preventive management measure. Internationally, covering bare soil with mulch is seen as a promising preventive measure, yet it is scarcely implemented in the Netherlands.