Wind speed measurements with a 2-dimensional ultrasonic anemometer from the FS Polarstern bow tower, deployed during MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) expedition, Arctic Circle, 2019-2020
Blomquist, Byron; Archer, Stephen; Helmig, Detlev; Ganzeveld, Laurens; Howard, Dean; Angot, Helene; Bariteau, Ludovic; Jacobi, Hans-Werner; Posman, Kevin; Hueber, Jacques
True and relative wind speed and direction measured from the bow of the research icebreaker FS Polarstern during the 2019-2020 Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) field program. These are minute-averaged values of 1 Hertz (Hz) raw measurements with an RM Young model 86004 heated, 2 Dimensional (2D) ultrasonic anemometer. The measurement location was ~18 meters (m) height on a triangular meteorological tower on the ship's bow, on a horizontal arm extending ~ 1.5m in front of the tower. Sensor heating prevented ice formation in almost all conditions, but there were a few periods of ice build-up in severe freezing rain or fog conditions. The north (N) orientation of the anemometer was in the direction of the ship's bow. True wind speed and direction are computed from relative winds and the ship heading. Due to obstructions from the ship's superstructure, measurements for relative wind directions beyond +/- 130 degrees from the bow are not accurate and subject to high variability. Measurements over the remaining wind sector (+/- 120 deg from the bow) are slightly distorted by the divergence of streamlines over the ship. As a convenience to users, ship navigation parameters (latitude, longitude, speed-over-ground, course-over-ground, and heading) are provided. The archives of ship navigation and meteorological data from PANGEA are the original sources for all navigation parameters (,,,,