
Type of pectin determines structuring potential of soy proteins into meat analogue applications

Snel, Silvia J.E.; Otto, Kim; Schlangen, Miek; Beyrer, Michael; van der Goot, Atze Jan


The addition of pectin to soy protein isolate (SPI) is a route to create fibrous products using shear cell technology. In this study, we investigated pectins derived from soybean, sugar beets, and citrus (two variants) that vary in sugar composition, degree of methylation and acetylation. The objective was to examine how these different pectins impact the functional properties of the SPI dispersions. The SPI-pectin blends were shear structured and their visual appearance, microstructural, rheological, and mechanical properties were analyzed. The addition of pectins from citrus (the highly methyl-esterified form) and soybean resulted in fibrous products when mixed with SPI. The addition of the low methyl-esterified pectin derived from citrus led to less pronounced fibrous product, and pectin from sugar beet did not lead to fibrous products. To explain the effect, several properties of the blends and products were tested. It was found that the fibrous products contained more air (i.e. higher void fraction) than products that were not fibrous, and that air bubbles were deformed in the shear direction. The rheological measurements of the blends revealed that the pectins lowered the yield and flow point of SPI, and the flow transition index. The blend with the highest elasticity after heating also had the highest deformation of air bubbles. Based on all results it was concluded that pectin influenced the structure formation in two ways: 1) affecting the ability to facilitate air inclusion and 2) influencing the storage modulus and elasticity of the matrix.