
Logistics in a Circular Economy Living Lab

The LogiCELL project focuses on the role of logistics in the circular economy. The project works on (1) the design of networks behind circular supply chains, and (2) the efficient and effective planning and control of the underlying material flows. The research actively engages with a wide variety of circular initiatives with the overall goal to derive general logistics principles as well as policy insights.

The transition to a more circular economy is an important part of achieving a more sustainable society. National and international policy has therefore also set ambitious goals to increase circularity. From a logistics perspective, this means that many business models and their underlying supply chains are actively being (or will have to be) reconsidered. There has been a significant amount of research into the technologies we need to increase reuse and recycling, and researchers have also been discussing the related business models for some time. However, in practice, it is often a challenge for companies to (1) develop the logistics networks and collaborations to support circular supply chains, and (2) manage the related material flows efficiently and effectively.

In this project, the focus is on the logistics challenges behind reuse and recycling initiatives. The project actively works on solutions for these challenges in specific cases, as well as on the generalization of these solutions. This proactive research approach is organized in the shape of a living lab, consisting of various field labs. Each of these field labs addresses a specific challenge (such as e.g., the reuse of solar panels, the move away from single-use plastics, and the collection and valorization of spent coffee grounds). Within the field labs, direct collaboration with industries means that practical results are immediately visible. In addition, by looking across the field labs, the project aims to provide more general insights and policy implications.

The specific goals of the project are:

  • Identification and analysis of the key logistics challenges in reuse and recycling initiatives, with a focus on the design of circular networks and the planning and control of logistics activities within these networks.
  • Development of a living lab consisting of various field labs in which research is performed by the knowledge institutions in the consortium. During the project, new field labs are expected to be identified and included in the project.

All activities in the project aim to support the participating companies and organization in the development of their logistics efforts. By collecting the experiences and insights from the different field labs, the project aims to work towards a logistics theory for the circular economy, as well as towards support for policy makers dealing with the transition to a more circular economy.