IoF2020 Project
The project aims to accelerate the adoption of IoT in 5 different agrifood sectors, namely: meat, dairy, vegetables, fruits and arable farming. It particularly aims at strengthening the competitiveness of farming and food chains in Europe, and securing sufficient, safe and healthy food to European consumers. The project aims also to consolidate Europe’s leading position in the global IoT industry by fostering a symbiotic ecosystem of farmers, food industry, technology providers and research institutes.
The project consists a consortium of 73 partners, led by Wageningen UR. The project is organized around 35 use cases grouped in 5 trials, each focussed on a specific agrifood sector. The information technology group leads a use case on meat transparency and traceability that is part of the meat trial and contributes in the design of generic IoT solution architecture to be used in diverse use cases.
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