Investigating information systems
This project will investigate what data are being collected by whom and through what procedures and systems.
The research will assess what are the attributes of these information systems in terms of quantity, quality, accessibility, transparency, participation; and how these information systems can be improved to better fulfill their role in new and existing tuna (informational) governance arrangements.
A case study approach will be designed, in which quality, accessibility and availability of data and information, data collection, and information provisioning on tuna fisheries to a variety of stakeholders will be studied in a number of arrangements:
- national and sub-national state-based tuna management systems
- value chain tuna management systems for international trade
- the scientific process at negotiating fishing allocations based on stock assessments at the WCPFC member countries
- MSC certification processes of small coastal tuna fisheries to gain access to European markets, with emphasis on traceability requirements of large scale tuna fisheries in the PNA member countries. The geographical scope therefore ranges from an individual local fishery, to the (sub)national, regional and international scale.