
Holi-DOCTOR: Holistic framework for DiagnOstiC and moniTORing of wind turbine blades​

Holi-DOCTOR is an NWO funded project that aims to develop a digital tool for wind turbine blade monitoring and the social science workpackage contributes knowledge about societal concerns and needs related to wind energy projects and aims to engage stakeholders in design and implementation strategies for the Holi-DOCTOR tool.

What is the project about?

The key objectives of the projects are related to improving the sustainability and circularity of wind turbine development by:

1) focusing on the socio-economic impact including worker safety and developing new business models for wind turbine maintenance.

2) Exploring the ability to monitor and measure noise impacts and provide real-time feedback to relevant stakeholders through digital infrastructure

3) Exploring the ability to use the Holi-Doctor Tool in combination with bird strike and other wildlife detection systems