Genetic variation in natural populations and ecology at large, with a focus on African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)
I am studying the population genetics of natural populations. Most of my own work focusses on the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer).
In the African buffalo, I am studying sex ratio meiotic drive, deleterious alleles and their relationship with body condition and disease susceptibility (bovine tuberculosis). I was also involved, among others, in genetic research on lions (Panthera leo), wild boar (Sus Scrofa), red deer (Cervus elaphus).
- de Jong, J.F., et al., Spatial genetic structure of European wild boar, with inferences on late-Pleistocene and Holocene demographic history. Heredity, 2023. 131.
- van Hooft, P., et al., A continent-wide high genetic load in African buffalo revealed by clines in the frequency of deleterious alleles, genetic hitchhiking and linkage disequilibrium. PLoS ONE, 2021. 16(12 December).
- van Hooft, P., et al., A natural gene drive system influences bovine tuberculosis susceptibility in African buffalo: possible implications for disease management. PLoS ONE, 2019. 14(9): p. e0221168.
- van Hooft, P., et al., Genetic insights into dispersal distance and disperser fitness of African lions (Panthera leo) from the latitudinal extremes of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Bmc Genetics, 2018. 19: p. 16.
- Goedbloed, D.J., et al., Increased Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Disease Prevalence in Domestic Hybrids Among Free-Living Wild Boar. Ecohealth, 2015. 12(4): p. 571-579.