Project GEBA targets the transformative changes in planning and decision-making processes in the management of TCVA, one of the most important Transboundary Aquifer (TBAs) in Asia. We do so by leveraging and mainstreaming EbA into plans, policies and management practices in groundwater management at local, sub-national and transnational levels.
The project team adopts a two-dimensional-scaling approach simultaneously targeting horizontal and vertical scaling. The horizontal scaling will be realized via objectives 1 and 2, in which we seek to (i) showcase the duo-benefits of EbA in rendering the vulnerability of the TCVA dependent communities in Cambodia and Vietnam with respect to groundwater depletion and (ii) develop and analyze mechanisms for integrating EbA with groundwater management, focusing on capacities of the marginalized group including women, poor households, youth and ethnic minorities. The vertical scaling, on the other hand, will be materialized via objective 3 where we contribute policy recommendations to integrate EbA into regulations and policies across different sectors in Cambodia and Vietnam that are issue-specific, science-based, gender-inclusive and human rights-based.
Three work packages (WP) are developed, including WP1 Integrated assessment of EbA and groundwater resources; WP2 Development and analysis of mechanisms for integrating EbA and groundwater management with target stakeholders; and WP3 Capacity building and advocacy based on impactful engagement and communication.
Numerical Modeling, Climate scenarios projections, Multi-criteria Analysis, Participatory methods

(Expected) results
- Evaluated impacts of different environmental stressors on the ground water resources of the transboundary aquifer
- Curated good practices of NBS in supporting the management of ground water resources
- Disseminated findings as scientific publications, policy briefs, knowledge sharing events, and social-media products.