Flexible Energy Communities: Coupling e-mobility and energy communities (FlexECs)
One of the NWO granted proposals on Energy Transition as a Socio-Technical challenge, titled "Flexible Energy Communities:Coupling e-mobility and energy communities (FlexECs)", together with a fabulous, inter-disciplinary team including five universities and nine institutions.
Principal investigator: dr.ir. Bardia Mashhoodi
Department of Social Sciences, Wageningen University : Dr. S. Halleck Vega, Prof.dr.ir.Eveline Van Leeuwen
Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, University of Groningen: Dr.Thijs Bouman, Dr.Janet Veldstra, Prof. dr. E.M. Steg
Department of Electrical Sustainable Energy, Delft University of Technology:Dr.irGautham Ram, Prof. dr. ir.Pavol Bauer
Faculty of Law, University of Groningen: Dr.Lea Diestelmeier, Prof. dr. M.M. Roggenkamp
Department of Environmental Sciences , Wageningen University: Prof. dr. ir.Martha Bakker
Arcadis: Ir.Verali von Meijenfeldt
Generation.Energy: Ir.Boris Hocks, Ir.Taco Kuijers
Esri Nederland: Ir. J.W. van Eck
Trip Advocaten & Notarissen: Mr. G. van Driel
Heliox: Mr. M. Colijn
Gemeente Wageningen: Dr.Robin Smale
Gemeente Groningen: Dr.Petra Meelker
Aeres University of Applied Sciences: Drs. W.G. Bekkering
ING Bank: Dr. R. Mees
Together with six PhDs and two postdocs