The EUFRUIT thematic network is a project that unleashes, stimulates and uses European research potential for exploiting new opportunities in the fresh produce category. Wageningen UR scientists are responsible for the project research aiming at secure and sustainable fruit production.
This project will be facilitating the access to knowledge and the dissemination of existing research and innovation potential for the benefit of the fresh produce sector and consumers.
Increase the competiveness for the European fruit sector through improved productivity, sustainability and quality of fruit across the fruit chain. Research and industrial stakeholders will be involved to overcome barriers for the implementation of knowledge and technologies.
- Scanning and synthesis of areas of learning and best practise approaches at a European level
- Showing and sharing will deliver outreach and dialogue at a national level through establishment of local operational groups. A knowledge platform will hold all outreach material and include outreach activities.
- Sustaining the network will occur through long-term integration of the assembled EUFRUIT network in future actions.
Intended results
The overall outcome of this project will be the establishment of a framework and a systematic approach that together builds a bridge across the ‘valley of death’. This bridge will secure a direct path for new knowledge in the future and reduce the likelihood of duplication of research at a national level.
Wageningen UR and EUFRUIT
Scientists of applied research on fruit crops of Wageningen UR, together with advisors of Fruitconsult, are responsible for the part aiming at a secure and sustainable fruit production. To realise this, the following activities will be initiated:
- Establishment and coordination of an international experts’ group that will scan existing knowledge;
- Synthesis, identification and prioritising of existing knowledge;
- Sharing and showing knowledge to end-users
Scientists of applied research on fruit crops of Wageningen UR are also involved in the work for the other three themes of the project:
- New cultivar development
- Minimise residues on fruit and in the environment
- Optimise storage and fruit quality
As result of the project, knowledge will become available via a ‘Knowledge Platform’ on the EUFRIN website. EUFRIN is a network of universities and research institutes for fruit, from 21 countries all over Europe.
The EUFRIN network took the initiative for this project in collaboration with the vegetable research network AREFLH and Freshfel Europe, the European Fresh Produce Association. Wageningen UR has been a partner of the EUFRIN network since its inception.