EU PIG - Europe-wide network aiming to improve the pig industry
EU PIG is a four-year project to look at health management, precision production, animal welfare and meat quality made up of a consortium of 19 organisations from the main pig producing countries in Europe.
Connecting pig producers with science and technology
EU PIG is a new concept aiming to improve the connection between producers and the latest science, husbandry techniques and technologies via thematic and regional platforms of fellow producers, academics and advisors. The producers are in the driving seat: they will formulate the questions to the EU PIG network.
Tools and guidance for innovation
The €2m-project will create tools and practical guidance for all parts of the industry. Innovative best practices combined with scientific knowledge will be identified and shared via the network and through a comprehensive website.
EU-wide consortium
The consortium represents 13 Member States that together account for 92% of the EU’s pig meat production and 89% of the EU’s pig herd in 2014. The EU PIG consortium has links to, national and regional pig producer groups, researchers, rural development boards and innovation practitioners, including a number of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). EU PIG is funded by the European Commission’s research and development programme, ‘Horizon 2020’.