
Enhancing Online Peer Feedback in Higher Education: A Multifaceted Study on Feedback Uptake and Feedback Literacy

My PhD project focuses on the uptake of online peer feedback in higher education, particularly examining how students take up feedback comments, the factors influencing their uptake, and strategies for promoting effective usage.

 The first study, published in Educational Research Review, is a systematic review that explores the key components of online peer feedback practices. It provides a comprehensive analysis of content, function, student characteristics, presentation, and source, revealing potential interrelations that impact the implementation and effectiveness of these practices in higher education. (See more details:

Building on this groundwork, the second study investigates the feedback uptake process. It examines how students take up online peer feedback and the relationship between the uptake of feedback comment and the specific features and scopes of the feedback provided in an online learning environment.

In my third study, I will delve into the role of students' feedback literacy in online peer feedback practices. This will include an assessment of its relationship with the quality of feedback given and received. A new survey has been developed to evaluate feedback literacy, and preliminary descriptive findings offer insights into the interaction between students' feedback literacy and the effectiveness of peer feedback practices.

This project aims to illuminate the complex dimensions of online peer feedback in higher education, offering valuable insights to enhance its role in student learning and development. For more information about my project, please feel free to contact me.

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