Development of guidelines for soil function restoration and monitoring
Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is a significant source of income in the inland areas of Suriname, which are located on the Guiana Shield, a region known for its abundant gold deposits. Unfortunately, ASGM activities are also responsible for 90% of deforestation on the Guiana Shield, leading to numerous detrimental effects on both human health and the environment. However, there is an opportunity to mitigate these negative impacts by restoring abandoned ASGM sites.
Scientific research has identified the elimination of soil functions as the most significant barrier to the restoration of ASGM sites. To address this issue, WUR, TAUW, EMSAGS, and Anton de Kom University (AdeKUS) are collaborating on a project to develop a guideline for local communities to redevelop soil functions at abandoned ASGM sites, with the aim of promoting ecosystem restoration. This guideline will be based on a restoration design for a pilot site at Compagnie Kreek.
For your thesis project, you will utilize the literature study and site assessment results that have already been completed. Your task will be to design and implement a pilot plot in Compagnie Kreek and provide input for the international guidelines on the rehabilitation of ASGM sites. The activities of your thesis project will include:
- Conducting a desktop study on the impacts of ASGM on soil functioning and exploring restoration options.
- Evaluating rehabilitation options to identify the most critical issues and suitable techniques.
- Developing a site restoration design and work plan.
- Participating in community and stakeholder sessions and providing capacity building training on site rehabilitation for the local community.
- Undertaking a mission to Suriname to implement site- and soil restoration measures at the pilot site. This mission will last approximately three weeks in November (travel funded, DSA partly funded).
- Assessing and evaluating the implementation of the pilot site.
- Reviewing and documenting lessons learned on available local resources such as soil amendments, soil ameliorants, vegetation, etc. This review will also consider the effectiveness of these resources for soil rehabilitation, potential limitations, site characterization steps for selecting rehabilitation methods and techniques, and site monitoring and maintenance steps.
By completing these activities, you will contribute to the ongoing
efforts to rehabilitate ASGM sites and promote sustainable practices in
the mining sector.
Used skills
- Literature review;
- GIS mapping;
- Research field plot design;
- Fieldwork;
- Data analyses;
- Data interpretation and writing.
- SBL21806 Soil Quality or SOC21306 Soil Pollution and Soil Protection;
- Recommended (at least one):
- SOC22306 Chemical Processes in Soil, Water, Atmosphere;
- SBL32806 Biological Interactions in Soils;
- SBL35306 The Carbon Dilemma - a soil perspective.