Composition and authenticity of banana
Reflectance of variety, geographical and production origin on the compositional traits and physical properties of bananas.
Bananas are one of the most consumed agricultural crops. The quality and price of fruits are likely linked to their varieties, geographical origins and management systems. A high-profit margin provides motivation to commit food fraud in banana chains through practices of mislabelling, false management systems and false origin information. Hence, it is also necessary to ensure consumers of the authenticity of their purchases. The main objective of this study is to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of bananas that relate to their provenance and elucidate causal relationships with specific botanical, as well as local natural and managerial conditions.
The main objective of this project is to discover physical and chemical characteristics of bananas that relate to their provenance and elucidate causal relationships with specific botanical, as well as local natural and managerial conditions.
1. To inventory current research progress of banana and other fruits chemical and physical characteristics and possible influencing factors on their compositions.
2.To examine the influence of the variety of bananas on their detailed chemical compositions and physical properties.
3.To elucidate the relationship between specific local natural conditions and the chemical compositions and physical properties of bananas.
4.To understand the impact of production system related management on the chemical compositions and physical properties of bananas.
5.To map the chemical composition and physical traits of bananas on the market and determine the impact of the variety, local natural conditions, and local managerial conditions.
6.To make integration of steps 2-5 to find the interaction of different factors for the provenance of bananas.
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