
An integral approach to poverty: More room to quit smoking? (COMPLETED)

Living with financial problems often goes hand in hand with problems in other domains, such as relational, social or health problems. The stress caused by these problems is one of the main reasons why smokers with a low income don't (or can't) choose for the cheapest and healthiest option: quit. Quite often, smoking is one of the few enjoyable things left. It is plausible that intrinsic motivation to quit will increase when attention is paid to the underlying problems.

Therefore quiting smoking is not a separate goal, but part of an integrated approach to poverty reduction. The municipality of Rotterdam developed a method (based on theory and practice) in which experts, together with families, address the problems that are perceived as the most important by the target group. It is important to know if this method helps to increase the moptivation to quit smoking.

In this project this existing integral methodology will be expanded. An app will be developed which supports families in the process of tackling problems in all life domains. The collected information by the app offers a unique opportunity to evaluate whether and how the use of the app leads to an increase in the motivation to quit smoking - in concrete and successful quiting attempts. The integrated approach brings along the expectation of an improvement in the perceived (positive) health of the participants.

Main applicant
Prof. dr. Frank J. van Lenthe, Erasmus MC Rotterdam

Dr. M. A. Beenackers - Erasmus MC Rotterdam
Dr. L. Bouwman - Wageningen University
M. Bouman - Wageningen University
Drs. D. Tetteroo - Bureau Frontlijn, Gemeente Rotterdam & Uitvoeringsbrigade Rotterdam
Drs. S. Daamen - Uitvoeringsbrigade Rotterdam
Drs. M. Metselaars - self-employed entrepreneur
Drs. E. Huijskens - self-employed entrepreneur