Strategic Partnership ABBEE (Accelerating the transition towards the Bio-Based Economy via Education)
The overall objective of this Strategic Partnership is to inspire and train a new generation of (bio-based economy) students and help accelerating the transition towards a bio-based economy via education of future professionals. New innovative educational approaches can inspire students, professionals and entrepreneurs to become more active in the bio-based society. The focus of the Strategic Partnership, ABBEE, is on developing, transferring and implementing innovative practices in the field of bio-based economy and to exchange experiences at a European level.
Knowledge triangle between research, education and industry
With this project, a knowledge triangle is formed between research, education and industry of key-role stakeholders in Europe in which they work together to improve education and facilitate innovation in the area of the bio-based economy. The full partners in the ABBEE project will form the inner circle, developing, transferring and implementing innovative practices. The outer circle comprises more universities and companies, who will be able to benefit (freely) from the results and experiences. By doing so, they enhance EU’s competitive position in the field of bio-based economy and prepare students for their future in a bio-based economy.
This Strategic Partnership aims at the following results:
- Develop new forms of blended learning modules on 4 topics by a university. The modules will be available as a course in a regular program within the university and as an online module.
- An online platform (website) to support the activity 1 and give insight in the existing MSc-programmes (and minors).
Place in the value chain | New course | Partners |
System approach (value chain overlooking) | Value Chain biobased economy | University of Hohenheim in close cooperation with BIOPRO |
Sustainable Entrepreneurship | University of Wageningen in close cooperation with Start-Life | |
Biomass production | Sustainable Biomass production | Aarhus University in close cooperation with SEGES and INBIOM |
Biomass production by forestry | University of Eastern Finland in close cooperation with Metsä Group | |
Biorefinery/conversion | Wood biorefinery | University of Eastern Finland in close cooperation with Metsä Group |
Dissemination, exploitation and sustainability of the Strategic Partnership
The project will contain an inner-circle of the university partners with WU as the lead partner. An outer-circle of closely related universities, universities of applied sciences, companies and network organisations (including ELLS, EURAGRI, EFI, TKI-BBE, etc.) will join in the knowledge dissemination and events.