Lecturing Observation Service
The Lecturing Observation Service (LOS) enables you to quickly and efficiently optimise how you lecture in English with the help of an experienced coach. You will be monitored while lecturing in English, followed by targeted feedback and tailor-made advice on how to improve your skills.
Target group
This service targets lecturers who teach in English in higher education and are not native speakers but who have a very good command of English (C2).
This observation lecture aims to help you reflect on your teaching skills in English so that you can optimise your intercultural lecturing performance where needed. This service is practice-based. You will receive concrete feedback and advice to help you improve your linguistic and communication skills.
Two types
Two types of LOS are available:
- LOS extended: observation, analysis, discussion and coaching
- LOS quick scan: observation and analysis
LOS extended
The LOS extended starts with a 30-minute observation. Using an extensive checklist of pointers, the coach analyses your lecture. After your lecture - either directly after or at another time - the coach will discuss the analysis with you. This discussion is meant to help you reflect on your English skills during lectures. Together you and your coach will establish your linguistic and communicative strengths and your areas of improvement. In a two-hour coaching session you and your coach will further discuss the analysis and give you several practical tips and tricks for improvement.
LOS quick scan
The LOS quick scan is a short 30-minute diagnostic observation. Using an extensive checklist of pointers, the coach analyses your lecture. You will receive a written analysis afterwards.
What do we look at?
- Do you have clear pronunciation?
- Do you use contextually appropriate vocabulary (classroom vocabulary, academic vocabulary, etc.) to clarify lecture content?
- Do you use grammatically correct sentences?
- What types of questions do you ask?
- How do you motivate the students in English and how do the students respond?
- In what ways do the students participate in class discussions and how do they ask or respond to questions?
- How do you use and refer to classroom media (video clips, PowerPoint, etc.)?
- LOS extended € 550
- LOS quick scan € 150