
Illumina MiSeq

The Illumina MiSeq desktop sequencer allows high flexibility and easy access for smaller projects like targeted re-sequencing, 16S metagenomics, small genome sequencing, with a very short turn-around time.

New MiSeq reagents enable sequencing up to 15 Gigabases derived from 25 M sequencing clusters per run. Depending on user specified settings, reads can be single read or paired end read chemistry, with a maximum of 2x300 base pairs read length.

Key advantages of the MiSeq include:

  • Long reads
  • Highest flexibility and fast run times
  • Low run cost/base
  • Best-established technology
  • Broad range of biological applications

In addition to the Illumina MiSeq, Wageningen University & Research, Sharing Research Facilities offers the use of: