Y (Yi) Dai

Y (Yi) Dai


I am Yi Dai. I come from a background in environmental science. I did my master's degree in TU Delft from 2018 to 2020 with the specification of atmospheric science, which is mainly about using numerical models to predict weather conditions at local or large scales. I continued my study at TU Delft as a PhD researching frost mitigation. In this project, I investigated wind machines as a possible solution to reduce frost damage / warm-up plants. 

I joined HPP group (Silvere) as a postdoc. The project focuses on optimizing the air circulation within greenhouses using numerical simulations, such as conceptual models and fluid simulations. These simulation tools can be used to understand and quantify the interaction between plants and the environment (namely momentum, heat, moisture, and gas exchanges). Thus we get better knowledge of what conditions plants like and how to effectively ventilate the greenhouses for higher yields. Of course, this topic requires knowledge of both environmental fluid understanding (especially meteorology) and plant physiology.